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How a Brain Reacts to Your Book


Want to know a secret? I’m not super smart but I’m really, really good at sitting next to the smartest people in the room and absorbing their knowledge in the same way that this dog steals treats:

My career and writing have grown steadily because I have surrounded myself with the smartest people in the business – and learned from them. And you don’t need to be sneaky (or as fast!) like this dog. That’s the really great thing about this business – so many authors want to help each other and are willing to share their processes and knowledge.

One of the smartest and friendlist authors in the business is Melanie Harlow, a #1 Amazon bestselling powerhouse whose books skyrocket upon release.

She makes it look easy, but if you’ve ever learned from Melanie you know that she is extremely intelligent in how she approaches her craft and her marketing.

She spoke at the 2022 Inkers Con conference on how readers’ brains react to stories, and how you can tell your stories in a way that will engage their minds and create an enjoyable reading experience. Pretty cool, huh?

Here’s something she shared in that presentation:
"Plot is great, but a story is not 350 pages of things that happened. What a reader will actually respond to—even if they don't know it, what will fire those neurotransmitters—is the internal journey of the protagonist, specifically...

how they transform from who they were on page one to who they are at the end.

And also...

what they had to learn or overcome to get there.

What they learn is your (focus) point. And here's the hard thing…

It's best to know what this is before you write."

You might want to read that wisdom again – it’s good stuff! It was also just the tip of the iceberg in terms of that presentation.

If you want to watch the full video, it’s part of the 2022 Inkers Con access.

If you want to see Melanie’s NEW presentation at the 2023 Inkers Con event (Check out this presentation (and 25 more!) available online.)

At the 2023 conference, Melanie will be teaching this class

Road Repair: How to Stay in Your Lane Without Getting Stuck in a Rut

We know staying in our lane is the best way to meet reader expectations, build a loyal following, and become a one-click author. But what happens when the landscape around you shifts? How can we stay consistent without becoming stagnant? How can we breathe new life into our brands (and avoid burnout) without alienating our most loyal fans?

This presentation will include:

  • a deep dive into reader expectations
  • how authors without a lane can get on the right path
  • real examples of how this bestselling author has updated her lane in the last year
  • why and when you should update your lane


Check out this presentation (and 25 more!) available online.  

Update:  Melanie Harlow was a speaker at Inkers Con 2023 (which is available to watch online.  The upcoming Inkers Con 2024 offers dozens of brand new classes, Q&As, author discussions and more!  Join us in Dallas or online!